Klíčová slova online: IRezer

IRezer v-5.0.20240601


🔝 AI Powered App basate su algoritmi di intelligenza artificiale (AI)
🔝 IA Apps Aplicativos baseados em algoritmos de inteligência artificial (IA)
🌄 Immagini Trova le foto più inerenti il tuo articolo o tesina
🌐 Multilingue Oltre 25 lingue supportate
💲 Prezzo 100% App gratuite
🔒 Privacy I testi elaborati non vengono archiviati nè condivisi con nessuno. Ci teniamo alla vostra privacy.
💪 Testi lunghi Le app di NelSenso.Net supportano testi lunghi fino a 32000 caratteri.
📈 Trend della rilevanza semantica Scopri graficamente i punti più salienti di un testo


IRezer is the app that allows automatic extraction of keywords (tags / hashtags) and the most salient phrases of a text or web page. The app returns tables of the most important keywords and concepts with their relevance score. The tool can sort the results by semantic relevance or by reading order.



čvn/24 1

Version 5.0 of the NelSenso.Net apps has been released with numerous improvements in the AI ​​algorithms (entities detection and automatic morphological-grammatical analysis)

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New! Summazer not only highlights the most semantically relevant sentences, but also displays in bold those that are fundamental and underlines those that characterise the context or knowledge domain

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New! Summazer now automatically detects the rule of five "W": Who, What, Where, When, Why

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Clustezer, the online text-clustering app, now also supports Oriental languages: Arabic, Chinese, etc.

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Summazer automatically detects the main subject matter of the processed text, improving the quality of the extracted summary.

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